11 Things Daughters Of Strong Women Know
This article was written by the daughter of our own former Salesperson of the Year, Carrie Gold. It was published in Huffington Post. What a testament to the fine workers we have here at HCR!
The Huffington Post | By Jessica Samakow
I have that kind of mom.
You know, the kind who becomes a single parent with two kids under the age of 4, and never doubts she’ll be enough. The kind who can solve any problem with one phone call, and skip any restaurant line using one convincing excuse. The kind who packs up a U-Haul and drives it to New York so that her daughter can have her childhood bed in her grownup apartment. The kind who makes a massive career move into a male-dominated field in her mid-50s, only to become her company’s top salesperson in just a few months’ time. That kind of mom.
My sister and I have always considered our mom our best friend, which means we’ve seen her cry as often as we’ve seen her laugh, we aren’t blind to her moments of weakness and we’re not absent during them, either. Through it all, we’ve watched a badass woman set an example for the type of women we want to be: Women who define our own success, our own happiness, and never let anyone get in the way of either.
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